Paige Higgins: 1st American female finisher at the Boston Marathon

The Flagstaff newspaper (which does a really good job of covering running locally, state wide, and Nationally) ran an article about Flagstaff resident Paige Higgins, and her redemption of being the top American female finisher after having to pull out last year due to an injury.  I have had to miss a few races due to injury and hated it, but for an elite who lives and breathes running and worked so very hard, I imagine it was much more crushing.

Congrats to Paige for her efforts! Congrats to her coaches and trainers with McMillan Elite for their hard work with her.

Oh yeah, the story can be found HERE


Now playing on iTunes: Blue Foundation – Ghost
via FoxyTunes

New Year = new____?

I guess I am a bit late in joining the new years resolution train.  Really I don’t like making resolutions as I generally forget about them within a few days,  but since I will be posting mine up here for the world to see (BTW…why are so many people hitting my page from Pakistan in the past few weeks?) I will have more motivation to keep with it.

So in no particular order here I go.

Run in at least 10 races this year.  I will target 3 or 4 as goal races, the rest will be for training and to get reconnected to the running community.

Be more involved with getting my family fit.  My wife runs, and daughter plays a lot of soccer, but I want to take it up a bit.  Going for hikes as often as we can, biking to the store instead of taking the car, getting my daughter more involved with running, and getting my indoor loving son out playing more sports.  With Miles the dog nearing 12 months old, pretty soon he will be able to join us in running, which Ridgebacks were made to do.

Eat better.  I say this all the time, but it is so much easier to pick up something from the drive thru, or throw a frozen meal in the microwave.  This resolution will make huge changes in my mood and training ability.

Keep doing yoga, and specific strength exercises for my hip.  ‘Nuff said.

Be more focused at work.  Wont go into detail on that here.  My dark little secret. (I am very deep and complex!)

Spend more quality time with the wife.  She likes touring microbreweries…doesn’t she?

Ok, I don’t want to put to much on my plate and set myself up for ultimate failure, so I will end it there.  If I could add a few to a subcategory it would be look for opportunities to move to Colorado or the Northwest.  Get to 10% bodyfat.  Only get coffee when I need it, break that habit.  And oh yeah, brew my own beer.  Oh, and FINALLY get the flame tattoos on my lower legs.
Now playing on iTunes: Michael Andrews Feat Gary Jules – Mad World (Alternate Version)
via FoxyTunes